
From the Lord God of my being, I know that I am a Spiritual Being created in the image and likeness of god. I know that the Infinite Presence and Power of the Universe has individualized as me, as my true nature. I know that all that the father is, I AM and all that the father has is mine. I know that the I AM of me is God in expression, a consciousness of power and dominion. I know that I AM the knowledge of Truth, therefore I AM the faith of God made manifest. I AM faith. I know that God knew my every need and he has given me the kingdom, he's restored the lost years of the locust, and all that concerns me and my life are blessed. Father, I know that you have already done this by giving me the gift of yourself, which is my all sufficiency. I know that through this spiritual treatment, my belief in all that is a blessing and true is in my subconscious mind, where its clothed with spiritual power, substance, life and intelligence. Because I am faith, I have faith, and I feel the spiritual energy of faith throughout my being. I care for my faith, feeding it with thoughts of the kingdom, of the power, and the glory. In my heart, it is strong, vibrant, and powerful, and is united with its true self, the spirit of truth, my very own super consciousness. I behold myself as I AM in truth, the Christ, son of the living God.

My faith is in the Christ mind within, knowing that it interprets itself as my abundant supply. Through my faith it manifests as my all sufficiency. I see my blessings fulfilled in peace. So it is.
My faith is in the Christ mind within, knowing that it is my subconscious mind and the patterns of my God hood. My faith is the God hood of my spirit and I AM God. I see this truth, I feel it. So it is.
Come faith, follow me. It is in you that I have my spiritual consciousness. You are the rock and the firmness of my solid belief in the Christ. Oneness is the foundation for my consciousness of mastery. Through my knowingness I have the dominion that is my birthright. My mind has rich abiding substance, my thoughts are the presence of God. My emotions are the love of God, my words are the power of God, my actions are the energy of God, and nothing is impossible to me.
My faith, the spirit of living faith within me, so strong and wise and loving- I have the powers of strength, wisdom, and love. My faith is the strength that I AM. I manifest strength in action. My faith is the wisdom that I AM. I manifest wisdom as God in expression. My faith is the love that I AM. I manifest love that radiates forever throughout my being. Through faith, strength, wisdom, and love, I manifest my Christ hood. So it is.
O Faith awake! My faith is in the power of faith that I AM. I am faith.
O Strength awake! My strength is in the power of strength that I AM, I am strength.
O Wisdom awake! My wisdom is in the power of wisdom that I AM, I am wisdom.
O Love awake! My love is in the power of love that I AM, I am love.
O Will awake! My will is in the power of will that I AM, I am will.
O Authority awake! My authority is in the power of authority that I AM, I am authority.
O Understanding awake! My understanding is in the power of understanding that I AM, I am understanding.
O Enthusiasm awake! My enthusiasm is in the power of enthusiasm that I AM, I am enthusiasm.
O imagination awake! My imagination is in the power of imagination that I AM, I am imagination.
O order awake! My order is in the power of order that I AM, I am order.
O Forgiveness awake! My forgiveness is in the power of forgiveness that I AM, I am forgiveness.
O Life awake! My life is in the power of life that I AM, I am life.
I AM one with God, created in the image and likeness of the Father and I AM continuously aware of who and what I AM. I comprehend the fact that I AM one with God, I know that in myself lie all the powers of God. I AM a mastermind and all the elements hear my voice and gladly do my will through my consciousness of my oneness with God. My will knows no bounds, and I have but to speak it and it is done. So it is.

From the Lord God of my being, in my mind. I know that I AM wonderfully God. I accept the truth that the spiritual idea of true God hood, the divine plan for me is right where I AM, in the mind of my inner self. That self knows itself to be a unique expression of God. It knows its true work. That self is who and what I AM. I unify with it. Therefore, I AM God. I AM Christ. I know that through the divine plan for my life which is already the reality of me, it is active in my consciousness. I feel its power, its strength, and it manifests itself in my world as new opportunities. There is unity between the inner world of spirit and the outer world of form. I embody contentment, satisfaction, and joy in the service of others. I manifest God totally, so it is.
I hold no unforgiveness in my heart towards anyone, and if there is anything in my subconscious mind that resembles unforgiveness, I cast it upon the indwelling Christ to be dissolved. I forgive everyone and I AM free!