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![]() ![]() Kundalini
The kundalini is a powerful energy that eastern religions say lies coiled at the base of the
spine in humans. The kundalini feels like a warm liquidy magnetic energy when it rises up
the spine. Once awakened, you will find that the kundalini gradually rises and then slowly
subsides within the spine, only to rise again later on. Each time it rises, it rises further up
the spine and will continue rising and subsiding until it eventually reaches the brain. The
whole process may take months to complete.
There are a number of effects of the rising of this energy. All of these effects are available
to those who have awakened the kundalini. Although you may have to ask for some of these
qualities. It is for these effects that disciples have committed their lives to raising the
kundalini energy over the ages.
1. Bliss: The rising of the kundalini is extremely blissful. Most people have experienced sex.
The most common experience to compare another experience to is sex. The answer that
something is better than sex is almost a laughable clich‚. The kundalini is about 100 time
more enjoyable than sex and I am not laughing. It is much more blissful! .c.:: The rising of
the kundalini is extremely blissful. Most people have experienced sex. The most common
experience to compare another experience to is sex. The answer that something is better
than sex is almost a laughable clich‚. The kundalini is about 100 time more enjoyable than
sex and I am not laughing. It is much more blissful!
2. Visions and Images: There are many various visions that appear in the mind once the
kundalini has been awakened. Many disciples of the kundalini have written of visions of the
chakras and various other forms. Some visions are precognitive; some are not. The most
striking vision that ever occurred to me was that of a lovely woman dressed all in white and
gently wafting the sweetest love. Not only could I see her form, I also felt her texture and
smelled her fragrance. She smelled like the sweetest of roses but more delicate and
haunting. Her texture was like the softest of rose petals. . .very ethereal.
There are other visions of people and places I have had that possessed a quality that made
them feel more real than any sensual impression. It wasn't only that you saw them, or heard
them, or smelled them, but that you felt them with every fiber of your being. After feeling
these visions, impressions from the external world feel dead in comparison.
Many lesser order images also float through the mind of the disciple. Images of memories
from days long past. Images of objects, people, books, places, and natural scenes delight the
mind of the devotee.
3. Awareness Of The Divine: When I awakened the kundalini the first time, there was
always a sense of the nearness of the divine. Very seldom was I able to place a name to the
presence, with the exception of some well known to myself presences (such as Christ,
Yogananda, etc.). The sense of that nearness of the divine was always a comfort.
4. All You Ever Wanted: Almost every one chases after material objects here and there in
the world. Cars, houses, sex, etc. are quite often sought in a vain attempt to fill some inner
void within the soul. One of the most remarkable feelings I ever experienced during my
experiences with the kundalini was simply the realizations that this was all I ever wanted.
Whenever I wanted anything else, I was looking for a substitute for the feelings I was
experiencing. There was a complete sense of fullness that satisfies any void within your
5. Purity, Integration, and the Expansion of the Mind: I don't care how religious or pure
you are before you awaken the kundalini. Afterwards, the kundalini begins to really make
you clean inside. That feeling of being made clean is real purity. When you are going
through it, it doesn't feel at all like the sickeningly sweet goodness that many of the religious
members of our society have tried to put forth (Self Righteous Purity). That kind of
goodness feels counterfeit as compared to the real purity of the genuine spiritual path..c.:: I
don't care how religious or pure you are before you awaken the kundalini. Afterwards, the
kundalini begins to really make you clean inside. That feeling of being made clean is real
purity. When you are going through it, it doesn't feel at all like the sickeningly sweet
goodness that many of the religious members of our society have tried to put forth (Self
Righteous Purity). That kind of goodness feels counterfeit as compared to the real purity of
the genuine spiritual path.;
One of the ways the divine accomplishes that purity is through a process known to
psychologists as integration. Integration is a fundamental part of the spiritual path.
Integration is the process of dissolving memories of ugly past experiences to which the ego
has erected barriers. Integration happens when you become fully aware of a past
experience. Integration is much easier to perform with the kundalini than without.
However, there are things hidden deep inside almost everyone of which the mind could
choose to rebel at becoming aware. It is more risky if you choose not to cooperate with
integration while undergoing enlightenment.
Without integration you get disciples like some televangelists who give voice to spiritual
principles, but then are driven to chase after prostitutes, or scam schemes. With integration
you cease to be driven by past decisions made in response to bad experiences. This process
results in your mind dropping its defenses and expanding its awareness.
6. Intuitional Knowledge: It is hard to say how someone knows things by intuition, however,
one of the strongest experiences I had during the awakening of my kundalini was that of
receiving (revealed) knowledge. It didn't really matter about what; it could be how to play a
physical sport or any other interest, but when I received it, I either knew with every fiber of
my being that it was revealed truth (The Lessons of Enlightenment) or I knew with my mind
that I were being given a deep insight. The deep insight feelings have stayed with me
through the years..c.:: It is hard to say how someone knows things by intuition, however, one
of the strongest experiences I had during the awakening of my kundalini was that of
receiving (revealed) knowledge. It didn't really matter about what; it could be how to play a
physical sport or any other interest, but when I received it, I either knew with every fiber of
my being that it was revealed truth (The Lessons of Enlightenment) or I knew with my mind
that I were being given a deep insight. The deep insight feelings hav;
7. Mystical Powers: One of the things you are taught on the spiritual path is how to use
psychic powers. One of the fundamental laws of psychic powers is that you can't influence
psychically that from which you feel separate. By removing the barriers of the ego and
expanding the mind, you begin to lose that sense of separateness from everything.
The other fundamental law of psychic powers is that if your go around using psychic powers
for egotistical purposes, you are glorifying the ego (limited sense of self) and are setting
yourself up to lose the positive effects of the kundalini and experience a spiritual fall. An
absolute must is to only use exceptional powers when you are directed to by the spirit. After
all, even Christ wouldn't perform for Herod's pleasure, when Herod wanted Christ to show
him he was God!
8. Love and Protection: When I was experiencing the rise of the kundalini, I always felt a
deep abiding sense of being loved and protected. It was almost as if my soul was having a
very deep romance with the divine who looked over and protected me from all harm.
Indeed, I was left with the impression that the only harm that could come to me was from
my own hand. While awakened, these feelings of love and protection are great at removing
![]() Copyright 1996 By James Mann of Enlightened Enterprises (ESC, Inc.) The material
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